In Today’s world, you need both PCI Scanning and Malware Scanning
A perfect example of why you need both types of scans can be easily illustrated using the example of a fridge full of cheese and a mouse
Having PCI Scanning only is like having a fridge with a hole in it where mice can get in and steal your cheese. If you check the fridge for holes and seal them off, then the fridge is safe from mice (in theory). But, what if the mouse was already in the fridge before you sealed the hole? Or, what if the mouse finds a new hole that you didn’t find originally? The mouse could eat all your cheese!
On the other hand, having Malware Scanning only is like having an alarm that goes off anytime a mouse gets in the fridge. Thanks to the alarm you could easily catch the mouse, but if you don’t seal the hole that let the mouse in in the first place, then more mice could keep getting into the fridge and setting off the alarm.
Bottom line, if you don’t have both PCI Scanning and Malware Scanning, then you are opening up your business to unnecessary risk that could potentially lead to a breach.